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Review your road safety performance

January 2, 2024

This month’s road safety goal is to assess your results from last year and use them to help make improvements in 2024. Choose one or more of the following activities to help you reach that goal, using the recommended resources.



  • Gather your JOHS Committee, or ask staff if you don’t have a committee. Review metrics and outcomes achieved in last year’s road safety program: Compare results with goals
  • Recognize successes and opportunities for improvement. Set new targets that stretch your company and employees to do better: Build a plan with purpose
  • Build your goals and measures into your road safety plan: Road Safety Plan Template



How to add Planner activities to your calendar

You can download Road Safety Planner activities and links directly into your Outlook or other calendar. They will be entered in the first week of the month, regardless of when you download them.

Review our support for loading ICS entries.