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Protect roadside workers from traffic

May 1, 2025

This month’s road safety goal is to reduce the risks for everyone who works at the roadside. Choose one or more of the following activities to help you reach that goal, using the recommended resources.




  • Have employees use DriveBC, municipal websites, and media traffic reports to plan trips that avoid or minimize driving in known work zones: DriveBC
  • Download Cone Zone campaign resources and share them with your staff and colleagues. Encourage everyone to share them with their networks. Show your support by putting up a poster or using a custom email signature: Cone Zone campaign resources
  • Hold an annual Cone Zone challenge. For example, have managers, supervisors, and drivers complete a quiz and compare scores: Roadside Worker Safety Quiz and Driving in a Work Zone Quiz


How to add Planner activities to your calendar

You can download Road Safety Planner activities and links directly into your Outlook or other calendar. They will be entered in the first week of the month, regardless of when you download them.

Review our support for loading ICS entries.