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Eliminate driving distractions

March 2, 2025

This month’s road safety goal is to help employees eliminate distractions when they drive. Choose one or more of the following activities to help you reach that goal, using the recommended resources.




  • Meet with your JOHS committee (or staff if you don’t have a committee) to review and update your existing distracted driving policy.
  • Make effective communication a key part of implementing that policy: Communications Plan Template
  • Identify one to 3 key distraction hazards and implement a plan to manage those distractions. Report your results and celebrate your successes: Tips for drivers


How to add Planner activities to your calendar

You can download Road Safety Planner activities and links directly into your Outlook or other calendar. They will be entered in the first week of the month, regardless of when you download them.

Review our support for loading ICS entries.