
Road Safety at Work webinars are informative resources for everyone from employers to employees.

Whether you employ or supervise people who drive as part of their job or you drive for work, you’ll find that our webinars will:

  • Highlight the risks related to workplace driving
  • Explain the safety rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer
  • Provide safe work practices to keep employees safe behind the wheel

Each 1-hour session provides practical suggestions for improvements you can bring back to your workplace. You’ll also be introduced to resources to help you implement them.

Scroll down to register for upcoming live webinars or to view one of our recorded webinars on demand.

Upcoming Live Webinars

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

Webinars on Demand

Our webinars on demand are available for you to watch anytime. Please choose from a topic below:

ADAS (Automated driving assistance systems)


Automated Vehicles and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

The growing use of this technology has many potential impacts for commercial carriers. Review this webinar to understand the implications of braking, steering, warning, monitoring, and other systems.

Best practices


Building and Sustaining Best Road Safety Practices

Creating and implementing a road safety program can help save lives and prevent injuries. Use these tips to develop an effective program for organizations of any size.



Securing Your Safety

Different types of cargo require different methods of transport and securement. Use these tips to ensure you follow the law, and understand and know how to properly use the devices.

Crash investigations


A Crash Course in Collision Investigations

Employers can benefit when they investigate crashes and near misses. Knowing what happened can help you prevent similar crashes in the future. Learn how to get information, record it, and use it.

Distracted driving


Distracted Driving: More Than Just Phones

Phones are the most well-known cause of distracted driving, but they’re not the only ones. Use these tips to reduce distractions while driving, and to help ensure you’re obeying the law.

Manage Driving Distractions in Your Workplace

Distracted driving accounts for 28% of all fatal crashes in BC. Learn how you can help prevent them.



Reducing the Risks of Driver Fatigue

Fatigue creates a serious safety risk for drivers. It’s one of the leading contributors to crashes in BC. Learn what your organization and employees can do to manage fatigue behind the wheel.



Situation Not Normal: Is Your Mind on Your Driving?

If you’re not feeling your best, you can’t perform your best. Explore how your state of mind can impair your behaviour behind the wheel, and what you can do about it.



At the Crossroads: How to Travel Through Intersections Safely

Intersections are the one place where vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles all share the road. Learn why intersections are the site of many crashes, and how to drive safely in them.

Personal vehicles


Safety for Employees Who Drive Their Own Vehicles for Work

Employers have responsibilities to ensure the safety of employees who drive a company vehicle or a personal vehicle for work. Learn how to meet your responsibilities.

Road safety


Road Safety 101 for Small Businesses

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of traumatic workplace fatalities in BC. Learn how to assess drivers and manage driving risks through trip planning, even if you have limited resources.

Improving Safety for Employees Who Drive Their Own Vehicles for Work

Employers have responsibilities to ensure the safety of employees who drive a company vehicle or a personal vehicle for work. Learn practical tips for meeting your responsibilities.

Driving Toward a Stronger Road Safety Culture

A strong road safety culture is vital to the success of your road safety program. Learn what every person in your organization can do to help strengthen your culture and improve outcomes.

Steering Toward Safer Driving Behaviours

A crash-free workplace is possible. Review the traits and behaviours of safe drivers and learn how to help your employees adopt them.

Wildlife collisions


Oh Deer! Driving Tips to Prevent Collisions with Wildlife

Wildlife are one of the top 10 contributing factors to crashes in BC. Learn when and where the risk is highest, and steps you can take to protect yourself.

Winter driving


Shift into Winter: Practical BC Winter Driving Tips

Winter driving requires more planning, equipment, and patience. Apply these easy-to-follow tips when driving for work or personal reasons.

Keeping Your Employees Safe During Winter Driving

Employers and supervisors have legal responsibilities for the safety of their staff. Review this 1-hour webinar for practical tips for organizations of all sizes.

Clearing the Way for Safer Winter Driving

Road maintenance crews help keep drivers safe 24/7 every winter. Use their expertise to help plan your organization’s winter driving safety priorities and strategies.

Worksite collisions


People Aren’t Pylons: Preventing Vehicle Collisions at Work Sites

With vehicles and workers sharing the same space, work sites can be busy and dangerous. Learn what can cause struck-by incidents, and how to help prevent them.