Tool Kit

Driver Assessment

If your employees drive for work, make sure they have a valid driver’s licence and a clean driver’s abstract. You also need to know they have necessary driving knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Learn how to check their driving record and assess their abilities using our SkillCheck driver assessment tool.

Verify driver qualifications

Before hiring anyone to do work driving or allowing any employee to get behind the wheel, check their driving qualifications. Verify and record the information by following these steps.

Check driver’s licence
Review and track driving record
Check vehicle insurance

Assessing driver behaviours

Once you’ve confirmed an employee is legally authorized to drive, find out if they have the knowledge, skills, attitude, and driving behaviours they’ll need to drive safely for your workplace.

Find out:

  • Do they know how to operate the vehicle properly?
  • Do they have the skills to drive safely?
  • Do they have a good attitude toward driving?
  • Do they apply the correct driving behaviours they’ll need for driving in your workplace?

Use our Driver Assessment Procedure Template (Word)  to develop guidelines that will help you answer those questions

The best way to understand an employee’s driving behaviours is to ride along with them in the vehicle. What you learn can help you match driving tasks to driver abilities. For example, a less skilled employee can do easier driving tasks. When they have more experience, they can take on more challenging ones.

When to assess drivers
Choosing a driving assessor
Reviewing assessments with drivers

Remember that nobody is perfect. Nearly every ride-along assessment will suggest that the driver has room to make improvements. Use the information to build a training plan that helps the driver develop necessary driving behaviours. Use the resources and tips in our Driver Orientation and Training Tool Kit to help build your plan.

SkillCheck driver assessment tool

Our SkillCheck tool shows you how to do ride-along assessments. You can then use the results to help decide if an employee is ready to take on the driving you plan to assign them, or whether they need further training.

The tool was developed with the Justice Institute of British Columbia Driver Education Centre.

Using SkillCheck

SkillCheck features a downloadable step-by-step guide and scoring form plus helpful videos. They identify key driving behaviours to look for during assessments and explain how to score driver performance.

Use SkillCheck




Our SkillCheck tool helps you complete a ride-along driver assessment. Use the guide, form, and videos to rate driver skill, knowledge, and attitude as part of their training record.

Driver Assessment Procedure Template

Assessing driver skills and behaviours is a cornerstone of road safety. Customize this template to create procedures to help you evaluate drivers.
Online Course

Assessing and Improving Employee Driving Skills

Use practical tools to help you rate employee driving skills and behaviours. You’ll also get tips on helping drivers develop the competencies they need for the driving they do.

Completion time: 90 to 120 minutes

Tool Kit

Driver Orientation and Training

Employers need to ensure their drivers understand and follow safe driving procedures and can safely operate the vehicles they use. Use our tips and checklist for hiring, orienting, and training drivers.

Preparing for a Driving Assessment

A short talk before the assessment begins can help drivers understand the process. Learn what to cover, and what to do before drivers get behind the wheel.

Duration: 3 minutes 47 seconds


Conducting a Driving Assessment

Use our SkillCheck guide and form to observe and record specific driving behaviours and skills. Learn what you’re looking for to help assess driver competency.

Duration: 5 minutes 11 seconds


Giving Feedback After a Driving Assessment

Reviewing the assessment helps the driver understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Learn how to give relevant and useful feedback to drivers.

Duration: 2 minutes 14 seconds

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