
Our SkillCheck driver assssment tool helps you rate an employee’s ability to operate a work vehicle safely. It includes a guide that can be used on a ride along, and videos demonstrating how to conduct an assessment. Employers, supervisors, or qualified employees can use SkillCheck to record their observations on driver skill, behaviour, and knowledge.

Learn more about how to use SkillCheck in our Assessing and Improving Employee Driving Skills Online Course.

Step 1: Download and review SkillCheck documents

The SkillCheck guide (PDF) explains 20 criteria for driver assessment. Review it before and during a ride along. Also download our driver assessment form (PDF) so you can record your observations. Keep a copy of the completed form as part of the employee’s training file.

Step 2: Watch SkillCheck video series

Our 3-part video series follows a driver and instructor during a ride-along assessment. The videos include dashcam footage that shows and explains ideal driving behaviours.

Part A: Preparing for the assessment:

Part B: Conducting the assessment:

Part C: Giving feedback after the assessment: