Tool Kit

Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures are the foundation of a good road safety program. Their primary goal is to help keep workers safe and prevent crashes by reducing or eliminating risk. They also provide decision-making guidance and instructions for all employees. Learn how to create your own road safety policies and procedures using our templates.

What are policies and procedures?

Policies define an organization’s commitment to safety. Procedures explain the actions needed to fulfill the policy.

Road safety policies

Policies cover the principles and strategies an organization uses to guide its decisions. They explain the “why” and set out the roles and responsibilities of the employer, supervisors, and employees. Effective policies provide clear guidance and need to be communicated to everyone in the organization.

Here’s an example of a basic road safety policy:

“XYZ Inc is committed to employee safety. To protect our employees, other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, we require our employees who drive for work to focus on their driving and avoid engaging in distracting activities.”

Road safety procedures

Safe work procedures are road safety cornerstones. They explain how the organization expects its employees to drive. Effective procedures are easy to understand and apply. Employers need to train and instruct employees in their procedures and ensure they are being followed.

Here’s an example of a very basic safe driving procedure:

When driving for work, employees will:

  • Pay full attention to driving at all times
  • Identify hazards and respond proactively
  • Avoid high-risk driving behaviours, such as speeding, tailgating, failing to yield, improper passing or lane changes, etc.

Creating road safety policies and procedures

Your organization can have separate road safety policies and procedures or combine them. To be effective, policies and procedures need to provide clear guidance and be communicated to everyone in the organization. Use our templates to get started.

Steps to follow

Following these basic steps, you can build your own driving policies and procedures. Even a small organization with limited resources can do it.

1. Build a team
2. Determine priorities and set goals
3. Gather information
4. Answer the 5 Ws
5. Put them on paper
6. Publish and communicate
7. Revise and improve

Topics to cover

Your organization can create a policy and procedures for any driving-related hazard. Download and adapt our templates for the following topics:

You can create policies and procedures to cover a number of other road safety issues, including:


Online Course

Building Effective Policies and Procedures

Develop your organization’s road safety policies and procedures with the help of these practical tips and templates.

Completion time: 60 to 90 minutes


Road Safety Plan Template

If your employees drive at any time for work, you need to plan for their safety. Use this template to build an effective plan by answering questions with the help of our resources.

Inventory of Driving-Related Hazards

Many things are potential sources of injury to drivers, passengers, and other road users. Use this inventory to help identify hazards your drivers may encounter.